10 AAA Duracell Procell Intense - 1.5V
Product specifications
Product description
Procell Alkaline Intense Power AAA industrial batteries are specially designed to last longer (compared to previous Duracell industrial alkaline AAA batteries) in high-consumption professional devices that require a lot of power or peak power, such as blood pressure monitors, soap dispensers or flashlights.
Extra information
Procell Alkaline Intense Power AAA industriële batterijen zijn speciaal ontworpen om langer mee te gaan (vergeleken met eerdere Duracell industriële alkaline AAA-batterijen) in professionele apparaten met een hoog verbruik die veel stroom of piekvermogen vereisen, zoals bloeddrukmeters, zeepdispensers of zaklampen.
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This product is available for sale, we do not yet have it in stock in our warehouse but it is on its way here. The shipping date is an estimate.
Procell Alkaline Intense Power AAA industrial batteries are specially designed to last longer (compared to previous Duracell industrial alkaline AAA batteries) in high-consumption professional devices that require a lot of power or peak power, such as blood pressure monitors, soap dispensers or flashlights.
Procell Alkaline Intense Power AAA industriële batterijen zijn speciaal ontworpen om langer mee te gaan (vergeleken met eerdere Duracell industriële alkaline AAA-batterijen) in professionele apparaten met een hoog verbruik die veel stroom of piekvermogen vereisen, zoals bloeddrukmeters, zeepdispensers of zaklampen.
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